Free delivery for orders to Italy over €100! Free delivery for orders to Italy over €100!

Terms and conditions

These General Conditions of Sale apply to the sale of products with exclusive reference to purchases made on the GIERRE SAS website in accordance with the provisions of Part III, Title III, Chapter I, Consumer Code (Legislative Decree No. 206/05 amended by Legislative Decree No. 21/14 and Legislative Decree 70/03) by:

Company GIERRE SAS of Rosanna Vannuccini & C.

Headquarters: Via Provinciale per Lecco, 780 - 22030 LIpomo (CO) - Italy

VAT number : 02416890131

Before accessing the products supplied by the site, the user is required to read these General Conditions of Sale which are generally and unequivocally accepted at the time of purchase.

The user is invited to download and print a copy of the purchase form and of these General Conditions of Sale, the terms of which GIERRE SAS reserves the right to modify unilaterally and without notice.

It is possible to use the site and therefore access products supplied by it and to purchase these in the following languages:


2. Object

These General Conditions of Sale govern the offer, forwarding and acceptance of purchase orders for products on and do not, however, govern the supply of services or the sale of products by parties other than the seller who are present on the same site through links, banners or other hyperlinks.

Before forwarding orders and purchasing products and services from different subjects, we suggest checking their conditions of sale.

3. Conclusion of the contract

To conclude the purchase contract, it will be necessary to fill in the form: online form in electronic format and send it following the relative instructions.

It contains the reference to the General Conditions of Sale, the images of each product and the relative price, the means of payment that can be used, the methods of delivery of the products purchased and the relative costs of shipment and delivery, a reference to the conditions to exercise the right of withdrawal; methods and times for returning the purchased products.

Before concluding the contract, you will be asked to confirm that you have read the General Conditions of Sale including the information on the right of withdrawal and the processing of personal data.

The contract is concluded when the seller receives the online form, after verifying the correctness of the data contained therein.

The buyer will be obliged to pay the price from the moment the online order forwarding procedure is completed. This will happen by clicking on the button: Complete order at the end of the wizard.

Once the contract is concluded, the seller takes charge of the order for its fulfillment. 

4. Registered users

In completing the registration procedures, the user undertakes to follow the instructions on the site and to provide their personal data correctly and truthfully.

The confirmation must be communicated within 7 days at the latest, after which, in the absence of confirmation, GIERRE SAS will be released from any commitment towards the user.

The confirmation will in any case exempt GIERRE SAS from any responsibility regarding the data provided by the user. The user undertakes to promptly inform GIERRE SAS of any variation of his data at any time communicated.

If the user then communicates inaccurate or incomplete data or even if there is a dispute by the interested parties regarding the payments made, GIERRE SAS will have the right not to activate or suspend the service until the related deficiencies are rectified.

On the occasion of the first request to activate a profile by the user, GIERRE SAS will assign the same username and password. The latter acknowledges that these identifiers constitute the validation system of the user's access to the Services and the only system suitable for identifying the user that the acts performed through this access will be attributed to him and will have binding effect on him.

The user undertakes to maintain the secrecy of his access data and to keep them with due care and diligence and not to transfer them, even temporarily, to third parties.

5. Availability of products

The availability of the products refers to the actual availability at the time the buyer places the order. However, this availability must be considered purely indicative because, due to the simultaneous presence of several users on the site, the products could be sold to other customers before the order is confirmed.

Even after sending the order confirmation e-mail, there may be cases of partial or total unavailability of the goods. In this case, the order will be automatically adjusted with the elimination of the unavailable product and the buyer will be immediately informed via e-mail.

Until the time of shipment, the Customer has the right to cancel the order or modify it, exclusively by following the procedures indicated. If the buyer requests the cancellation of the order, resolving the contract, GIERRE SAS will refund the amount paid within 30 days from the moment in which GIERRE SAS became aware of the buyer's decision to terminate the contract.

The purchase contract stipulated between GIERRE SAS and the Customer is considered concluded with the acceptance of the order by GIERRE SAS, which has the right to accept or not, at its own discretion, the order sent by the Customer, without that the latter may make claims or rights of any kind, in any capacity, including compensation, in the event of non-acceptance of the order. The order is understood to be accepted by GIERRE SAS if, within 2 working days of sending the order, the Customer does not receive any other communications. In case of non-acceptance, GIERRE SAS will notify the customer via e-mail.

By sending the order, the Customer declares to have read all the information provided to him during the purchase procedure, and to fully accept the General and Payment Conditions described below.

6. Products Offered


men's shirts, women's shirts, accessories.

The offer is detailed on the page

7. Payment methods and prices

The price of the products will be that indicated from time to time on the site, except where there is an obvious error.

In the event of an error, GIERRE SAS will notify the buyer as soon as possible, allowing confirmation of the order at the right amount or cancellation. In any case, there will be no obligation for GIERRE SAS to supply what is sold at the lower price incorrectly indicated.

The site prices include VAT and may vary at any time. The changes do not affect orders for which order confirmation has already been sent.

Once the products have been selected, they will be added to the cart. it will be sufficient to follow the instructions for the purchase, entering or verifying the information requested in each step of the process. Order details may be changed before payment.

Payment can be made by: Credit card. The credit cards accepted will be the following:


8. Delivery


Delivery takes place as per the online form within the date indicated in the same or, if no delivery date is specified, within the estimated time frame at the time of selecting the delivery method and, in any case, within the maximum term of 14 days from date of confirmation.

If it is not possible to carry out the delivery, the order will be sent to the warehouse. In this case, a notice will specify the location of the order and the ways in which to agree on a new delivery.

If you are unable to be present at the delivery location at the agreed time, please contact us again to arrange a new delivery date. Any storage costs of the goods shipped at the courier's depot, due to the customer's prolonged absence, are entirely at his expense.

If delivery cannot take place for reasons beyond our control after 30 days from the date on which the order is available for delivery, we will assume that you intend to terminate the contract.

As a result of the termination, the amounts will be returned, excluding delivery costs and any additional costs deriving from the choice of a delivery method other than the ordinary method offered without unjustified delay and, in any case, within 30 days from the date of termination of the contract. The transport deriving from the termination of the contract could have additional costs which will be charged to the buyer.

Shipping costs are charged to the buyer and are explicitly highlighted at the time the order is placed.

9. Transfer of risk

The risks relating to the products will pass to the purchaser from the time of delivery. The ownership of the products is considered acquired upon receipt of full payment of all amounts due in relation to the same, including shipping costs, or at the time of delivery, if this occurs at a later time.

10. Withdrawal

In accordance with the legal provisions in force, the buyer has the right to withdraw from the purchase without any penalty and without specifying the reason, within 14 days pursuant to art. 57 of Legislative Decree 206/2005 starting from the date of receipt of the products.

In the event of multiple purchases made by the buyer with a single order and delivered separately, the 14-day period starts from the date of receipt of the last product.

The buyer who intends to exercise the right of withdrawal must communicate it to GIERRE SAS through an explicit declaration, which can be sent by registered mail with return receipt or by accessing the section: right of withdrawal on the GIERRE SAS website with the creation of a file.

The buyer must also exercise the right of withdrawal by sending any explicit declaration containing the decision to withdraw from the contract or alternatively send the model withdrawal form, as per Annex I, part B, Legislative Decree 21/2014, not mandatory. GIERRE SAS is not liable in any way for damage or theft/loss of goods returned by uninsured shipments. Parcels on delivery or carriage forward will not be collected under any circumstances.

The goods must be sent to:
GIERRE SAS - Via Provinciale per Lecco, 780 - 22030 Lipomo (CO) - Italy

The goods must be returned intact, in the original packaging, complete in all its parts and complete with the attached tax documentation. Without prejudice to the right to verify compliance with the above, the site will refund the amount of the products subject to withdrawal within a maximum period of 14 days, including any shipping costs.

As foreseen by the art. 56 paragraph 3 of Legislative Decree 206/2005, amended by Legislative Decree 21/2014, the site may suspend the refund until receipt of the goods or until the buyer demonstrates that he has returned the goods.

The site will refund using the same payment method chosen by the buyer during the purchase. In the case of payment made by bank transfer, and if the buyer intends to exercise his right of withdrawal, he must provide the bank details: IBAN, SWIFT and BIC necessary for the refund to be made.

11. Data Processing

The buyer's data are processed in compliance with the provisions of the legislation on the protection of personal data, as specified in the appropriate section containing the information pursuant to art. 13 Legislative Decree June 30, 2003 (Privacy Policy).

12. Safeguard Clause

In the event that one of the clauses of these General Conditions of Sale is void for any reason, this will in no case compromise the validity and compliance with the other provisions contained in these General Conditions of Sale.

13. Contacts

Any request for information can be sent by email to the following address by telephone at the following address 031 520881 by post to the following address:

GIERRE SAS - Via Provinciale per Lecco, 780 - 22030 Lipomo (CO) - Italy

14. Applicable law and jurisdiction

These General Conditions of Sale are governed by Italian law and interpreted on the basis of it, without prejudice to any other prevailing mandatory rule of the country of habitual residence of the purchaser. Consequently, the interpretation, execution and resolution of the General Conditions of Sale are subject exclusively to Italian law and any disputes relating to and/or consequent to them must be resolved exclusively by the Italian jurisdictional authority. In particular, if the buyer qualifies as a consumer, any disputes must be resolved by the court of the place of domicile or residence of the same according to the applicable law.

These conditions were drafted on 09/28/2018